Those who are near me for any length of time know that I like open source. To me it speaks of a kind of engineering purity that I don’t see in a lot of places. I thought I’d take some time and write down what open source means to me, and what I look for in projects that I work on.

First, I think its important to define the two kinds of source that there are and the degrees of openness I’m referring to. The first, and most open kind is that which is not associated with any corporate entity. The second kind is sponsored and answers to, either wholly or in part, some corporation. This is a very important difference and comes out more often than you would think.

Truly Open

Software that is truly open is rare. For one thing not many skilled developers go home and write code in their free time, so the pool of people who can participate is fairly small to start. Secondly, it is rare for someone who is good at software development who is actually free to develop software. Of many things I disliked while working at Google, the fact that my ability to participate in open source projects was reduced was maddening. There are reasons to keep a close eye on your developers and what they work on in the off hours, but when it comes at the cost of your employee happiness, something is wrong.

Software written in this format of development is rare, but when it happens its amazing what can be accomplished. This is software that exists beyond the control of a board of directors, legal, or HR, and it can get into territory that is sometimes pretty gray. BitTorrent is a fine example of software like this. Its amazing how complex both the BitTorrent protocol is, and how complicated some of the client software can get. This is software that I would be surprised to see ever exist under the host of a US based company, or with Article 13 any company in the EU.

Void Linux is another project that weirdly still exists in this space. There is no legal entity behind Void, its just a group of developers building a thing and sharing it with the world. This has caused some friction for sure, but for the most part people act like adults and we are able to build amazing things. Void is one of the only Linux distributions I can name off the top of my head that answers to “no one”. Debian has long answered to the companies that employ the people who sit on the General Assembly and the Technical Committee, and Cent-OS just does whatever RHEL does. Void stands for its own ideals, and this is something that I appreciate.

This gets to the first quality that I seek in a project: engineering excellence above all else. While it would be a stretch to put Void on a pedestal and claim it as a paragon of engineering expertise, it is built on strong foundations of building the most correct things possible. This is also why I have a strong appreciation for software written in Rust and Golang. These are unforgiving languages that force the author to think carefully about application design to build something that fits together reasonably well. There are many other unforgiving languages, C for example, but many of these other languages will still permit the author to make very poor choices without so much as a warning.

Another thing I often seek in a project is engineering freedom. While I am painfully aware of the political landscape that often develops around projects that are open source, I believe that even in many of these projects there is still absolute engineering freedom. Any developer is free to work on any problem or feature they so desire, and it allows people to work on what they truly care about. I’m sure anyone who’s had to work on a feature they didn’t care about, or worse one that was known to be doomed will appreciate being able to have complete autonomy when selecting tasks.

These qualities tend to exist solely in truly open source projects, and there sadly aren’t many of these left. Given that there are so few, lets look at what I refer to as “less open” projects and what this means for them.

Less Open, But Still Pretty Open

Projects in this category are still pretty open, you can contribute to them as an outsider, but they’re not as open as above. Often times features are restricted based on your relation to the project, and in some cases its even restricted to what you can contribute to depending on your relationship to the project.

This is where the vast majority of projects live. In the case of many open source projects, its because there is some company paying for them, or some corporation that directly owns the project. In the case of Debian there is the foundation which governs the project. The project is still mostly open, but there are more rules, there’s corporate bureaucracy, and there’s often times some of the elements of a job that I try to avoid when working on projects for fun.

Also in this range of projects are projects that have a core/licensed split. This is often made clear by the existence of a “community” edition which has only the “core” features or some other arbitrary restriction placed on it. This tends to be the model that many commercial open source projects run on, despite being maddening from an engineering perspective.

From an engineering perspective, this leads to a compromise in quality and design integrity to support a business goal. Take for example the desire to have a licensed enterprise edition of some project. The most obvious feature is the license which allows a company to obtain software on terms they may find more preferable. The problem with this approach though is it requires the separation of the code that drives these enterprise features. This now needs to be silo-ed off and maintained by a dramatically smaller, dedicated team who don’t have the resources of the main project. It also needs to be integrated periodically and there are tests that need to happen to ensure that the “core” edition doesn’t break any enterprise features, and that no enterprise features break the core.

In my opinion this model is fundamentally flawed, but its still workable. It tends to lead to fractured code bases over time, and it leads to enterprise software that has a poorer security review than the “core” that it is built on. It also leads to an agonizing decision every time a new feature comes up as to whether or not this is a core element of the project, or something that should be licensed and provided only to the elite few.

While there are a great many things I think they’ve done wrong over the years, one of the things that I think RedHat got absolutely right was the way they handle software in this tier. Every line of code for every RedHat project is open source, or at least was the last time I checked. What RedHat sells is the experience. I’ll explain: If you install CentOS, it will work, and it will work well. But if you want to have a fleet of CentOS machines and run them with Spacewalk it will work, but you won’t have the same experience you would have if you were using RHEL and Satellite. Similarly, the thing that RedHat sells is the ability to offload your companies problems to someone else. Got an un-googleable problem after an update? No problem, just open a ticket and a representative will help you sort it out.

This last bit is something I would absolutely pay for no questions asked. I consider myself to be a pretty resourceful person, and good at solving most kinds of obscure system problems. However, I would still fork over a decent amount of my, and my employer’s, cash to be able to make problems go to the people that wrote the bugs directly. As far as the “enterprise features” are concerned though, I couldn’t care less about them. I will go to great lengths to find some other way to do what they do, or in many cases I simply don’t see the value in them.

A great example of a project I wish I could do this with are the various components of the Hashicorp stack. My organization doesn’t need any of the enterprise features, so it makes no sense for us to secure that kind of license, but if we could get support for the open source edition that would be a major thing. I suspect this is not a unique situation, and I can easily come up with a dozen other projects which are in a similar place of “wow I wish we could get support for this without needing to buy licenses we have no intention of using.”

These projects are often though still worth my time and I will happily contribute to these projects if the terms are reasonable. I personally won’t sign a CLA for anything, and I generally am not inclined to work on projects that make me ack a policy outside of a git --sign-off, but I will still send my patches to many projects. Entertainingly I’ve also yet to see a project truly handle the CLA situation correctly. Strictly speaking such projects should be easily breakable by waiting for some critical bug, fixing this critical bug and posting the patches to the public source repo in an PR and then refusing to sign the agreements. This would by all rights present poisoned knowledge to the project and its team, yet they’ll still gladly accept an identical patch from someone else who signs the agreements.

Open in Name Only

These are projects that are quite honestly a waste of time. If I think a project has fallen into this category, I won’t send patches to it, I won’t try to get a package for it in any of my Linux distributions of choice, and I won’t even waste my time reviewing a PR for such a package.

Projects that fall into this category are trying to present themselves as Open Source, but really have no intentions of being open source. They use the terms to present a feel good vibe for the project, but in reality the free source code is really just to drive license sales. Projects like this are fortunately easy to spot from a mile away. Just look for licenses like AGPLv3 or SSPL. These are licenses that supposedly protect freedom, but if you read the fine print you’ll almost always find that the same code byte for byte is available under another license if only you’ll hand over some cold hard cash.

These alternate licenses usually just strip out the requirements from the GPL and the network requirements around accessing the software remotely, but they also can usually be built to suit with sufficiently dense legalese that each side thinks they’re winning. These are also projects that try to play the little guy in an argument of why the source is licensed in such an unfriendly way. As an example, I got one such email earlier today in response to an inquiry about where I could find some source: “We needed to be more strict as we have many billion dollar companies that were using our software intensively without contributing financially or technically.” Its a shame too because I’ve actually written the code that they needed to make the feature I wanted work, but I have no intentions of contributing it to them if it won’t be public.

I’ll also spell out how I read that quote in my head as I think that’s important to discuss. To me, I read that quote as “we weren’t making the boatloads of cash we thought we would off this open source thing, so we decided to just screw everyone over to force more commercial licenses.” It shows a complete and total lack of understanding about what it means to release code under a permissive license, and it shows a complete and total lack of understanding about what the point of releasing the code was in the first place. What they’ve done isn’t create an open source project, they’ve thrown some code at a web server and said “here you go, but don’t actually use this because we’ll sue you”.

Of course, projects rarely start this way. Almost always, they start off as a proper open source project and grow over time. At some point, there is a decision to try and start a company around the system that started out as little more than a sketch on a napkin. This leads to a need to make money off things, investors that have no idea what they’re getting into or talking about, and engineers who often with good intentions try to just make everyone as happy as possible. Its only over fairly large spans of time, and often only as an outsider that one can truly observe the corruption of a projects ideals.

So What is Open Source?

Open source isn’t about making money. Its not about recognition either. Its about building high quality software with people that you might not otherwise get to work with on projects that might not otherwise exist. One of the things I always enjoyed looking at at a past job was the badge server. On this server there was a badge that would be awarded if you had more than 100 commits on your own and more than ~90% of the blame in a single source package. The badge was a grainy picture of Iron Man with the text “Tony Stark built this in a cave!” It captured the determination of an engineer, albeit fictional, to bring an idea to life no matter what the circumstances were.

For me, this is what open source is all about. Its about bringing ideas to life and producing something amazing. I don’t care if I never see my name in lights, and I certainly don’t expect to make any money off the things I build in my free time. I want to take ideas for things that will improve my life and the lives of other engineers, and turn them into something you can download and compile.

This is what open source means to me. Its taken me a number of years to figure out where I stood on all of it, and my position continues to evolve as I work on more projects and participate in more discussions with other developers. I challenge you now as the reader to sit quietly for even just 5 minutes and think about what you believe the purpose of open source to be. When you truly sit down and think about it, you might be surprised at what you actually believe.

I hope you found this article interesting. Since this is one of the more hot button issues I’ve written about, I’ll spell out the obvious for this one that the ideas I write about here on my personal site are not necessarily those held by my employer or any of the projects I contribute to. They all have their own ideas and policies, which fortunately are their own problems.