Software 'Defined' Networking with Terraform
My home network is complicated. A good friend recently described the network as having the complexity of a small to medium enterprise. I’m inclined to agree, since my network participates in multiple internal and external Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) arrangements, has close to a dozen internal security zones each with unique set of firewall rules and access control rules. The network includes split horizon DNS, both dynamic and static DHCP configurations, and a number of servers and distributed switches.
Unstable DisplayPort video on 12th and 13th Gen Intel
TL;DR - If you’re using USB-C displays with Intel 12th or 13th gen hardeware, its probably a DRI firmware issue in the i915 kernel module. Roll back your DMC blob to adlp_dmc_ver2_16.bin. I’ve recently been building a machine for doing video production work at the robotics competitions I support as well as other small events where a video mux is required. In my pursuit of ever smaller footprints to load in and load out, I switched late this year to using a pair of portable USB-C monitors that accept displayport over USB-C.
The Fleet of the Future
I was recently asked at my day-job to think about what the global fleet would look like if I had the powers of Star Trek’s Q and could snap my fingers with a flourish and re-form prod into what I think would be better. Without the restrictions of design documents, dozens of project management strategies and more meetings than I can shake a stick at, I’ve put a lot of idle time into thinking about this.
Has Everyone Forgotten About Support Agreements?
Recent changes in high profile open source projects has got people talking about sustainability in companies that build open source again. Usually I don’t really care about this as it comes across as just poor business management, but Hashicorp taking the entire core portfolio out of the Open Source ecosystem has lensed this through a new perspective for me. That perspective is when business people try to solve for market conditions, and seem to forget about established solutions.
How I Manage My Time: Fractional Reserve Spoons
I’m involved in a lot of projects both in and out of work, and people have often asked how I keep it all running at once. The simple answer is I don’t. This post came to me as I was driving back from a fast food place and thinking about where my time management strategy has broken down. First off, the phrase “out of spoons” is one that my parents and grand parents have said before, but I have to give credit to my manager at work who used it recently to describe the situation our operations group was near with the number of projects we were committing to.